Hackathon logo. Features Alfred, the community cat. Also shows arrows to Community, Development, Teamwork, Time, Presenting, Goal, and Brainstorm icons and text. These are parts included in the hackathon​​​​​

On September 28th, 2023 we had our 1st annual Veeam Community Hackathon. Both Jonah May and Maurice Kevenaar organized this event. We had 4 teams who participated. 

First, we want to thank everyone who helped us with this event. Including, but not limited to:

  • Our sponsors: Wasabi and GitHub
  • Our Judges: Aaron Murphy, Anthony Spiteri, Dave Russell, Edwin Weijdema, Fabian Kessler, Hannes Kasparick, Jeff Reichard, Madalina Cristil, Nikola Pejková, Rick Vanover, Safiya Mohamed
  • Everyone who helped us lead a team or participated

​All teams struggled with participants and contact between the members because our participants were scattered all over the world. Some teams struggled more than others. This is not the fault of the leaders or the participants.

Team 1:

Team 2:

Team 3:

Team 4:

Without naming judges, these are some of the quotes shared about the projects:

  • A great idea and a great start which offers a lot of potential for further integration and development – Team 1
  • Taking an existing resolution to plug a gap which is of value. – Team 4
  • I enjoy the displayed thinking against a perceived problem and how to solve it. I do see potential for getting this implemented in the near future. – Team 2
  • I think they have some interesting idea – Team 3
  • I love the idea and approach of the team. Specially from a security perspective.  – Team 4
  • I have no experience in the Kasten product. But from watching the video I can see that this tool can be helpful for Kasten K10 administrators. […]  The topic “Kanister” is explained in the presentation for users not aware of it […] Both applications covered by this team are fully documented in GitHub. Which is mandatory in my eyes to better understand how to use it. – Team 1
  • I like the idea of providing a PowerShell SDK for VBRs RestAPI and run it from any system. it will surely help – Team 2
  • It’s important to provide user of the product with an easy way to check on best practices. – Team 4
  • We should add that to the product. – Team 4
  • The idea and relevance are absolutely fantastic. – Team 2
  • easily the best marketing of the three projects – Team 4
  • if we had an award for strategic future products this would be a candidate. – Team 1

The results

Due to the fact that Team 3 was unable to produce a video, their score has been omitted from this blog post. 

All teams were really close to each other with only a difference of 6 points between the winning team and the lowest team. Due to the fact that the scores are so close, we have decided that we have 1 winning team and 2 runner-up teams.

Each team could score a maximum of 100 points. 

Runner-up teams: Team 1 and Team 4 with an average score of 74,36 points or 76,54 points

Winning team: Team 2 with an average score of 80,09 points.

Congratulations to the winning team: Chris Childerhose, Markus Kraus and Adam Mazouz  ​